Human beings are normally naked as are every other species. It takes work, energy, and lots of natural resources to cover our bodies and hide ourselves from ourselves. Clothing is inherently uncomfortable, unhealthy, unnatural, inconvenient, and except for winter in very cold climates, a big waste of time, money, and natural resources. Normal is naked. Naked is as natural and normal for human beings as it is for your dog, cat, goat, horse, and every other species. Human beings are not obscene, indecent, ugly, or offensive for simply existing.
I have concluded that naked is the natural human condition just as much as any other species. It takes work and expense to create, obtain, store, and maintain cloth covering for our bodies. Hanging laundry on our bodies is unhealthy, unnatural, uncomfortable, unneeded, and wastes huge quantities of our time, money, and natural resources. The only way we will ever overturn the psychotic clothing compulsive demands of a culture that fears to see natural human beings is to see and be seen in our natural state until it becomes so common that people are silly to object.
This web site is devoted to the demand that human beings, every part and function of human beings, are beautiful, natural, normal, and acceptable everywhere. Those who are offended by human beings have a deep psychosis and hatred of themselves and their own bodies. Fear and loathing of human bodies is psychotic on many levels. If you have a problem with this web site, you need to see a shrink.
What about children. The primary job of children is to learn all the information they will need as functional adults. Children need to learn about themselves and their own species by passively observing a wide variety of their own species doing a wide variety of normal activities. Systematically depriving children of the opportunity to passively observe adults and other children of their own species is hurtful and harmful to children. People blame their anti-body misanthropy on "for the children," but it is never really about children. No child is ever harmed by seeing a normal member of his own species.
Old people are naturally beautiful naked too. Being naked is not about being young and hot. Being naked is about being a natural human being on the earth, one with ourselves, unashamed of ourselves. I find censorship offensive. They make people hide parts of normal human beings doing normal human activities.
Finally in February our winter is melting. I'm out catching a few rays of sunshine.
Finally in February our winter is melting. I'm out catching a few rays of sunshine.
Finally in February our winter is melting. I'm out catching a few rays of sunshine.
Finally in February our winter is melting. I'm out catching a few rays of sunshine.
Finally in February our winter is melting. I'm out catching a few rays of sunshine.
Finally in February our winter is melting. I'm out catching a few rays of sunshine.
Finally in February our winter is melting. I'm out catching a few rays of sunshine.
March 2017. Still cool and rainy spring I got out to Turnbull Wildlife Preserve to commune with nature. This is the trail sign to Kepple Lake.
March 2017. Still cool and rainy spring I got out to Turnbull Wildlife Preserve to commune with nature. This is another photo by the sign to Kepple Lake. There is a nice paved parking area on a 5 mile visitor trail.
The National Wildlife Preserve provides these nice toilet facilities at their parking areas.
Here is another photo at the Kepple Lake parking toilet facility.
Across the tourist access road from parking is this sign directing visitors where to go for Keppel Lake.
One of the nature trails leads to 30 acre lake. I took a picture of the sign beside the tourist loup road.
Continuing on down the tourist loup road one comes to Black Horse Lake which has another nice paved parking area, toilet, signs, and even a boardwalk. This is the sign by the parking area.
Across the paved parking from the sign is this nice concrete toilet structure. Its a one holer unisex place.
The light spring rain continued all say as I walked out on the boardwalk across the lake. Here is one of their interpretive signs. A flock of ducks was enjoying the rain more than I was.
Here is another picture by the interpretive sign. Even though the day was cool and wet I felt warm enough while doing all the walking around.
Farther out on the boardwalk one can see more ducks.
One last photo by the interpretive sign. As I was leaving the boardwalk another visitor drove past on the tourist road. They didn't stop to get out at this location.
It was such a fine spring day, despite the rain, that more walking about was needed after leaving the National Wildlife Refuge. The grass is not green yet.
Life is to be enjoyed. Go yourself out into a natural area, or your front lawn, and enjoy the beauty.
One last photo heading home. A beautiful spring day to be out natural as part of nature.
Share your thoughs on this page and the whole concept of human beings are all beautiful.
No one is "obscene" or "indecent" by simply existing.